Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
As I sit here at my desk wrapping up my day, I am listening to a beautiful Christmas CD with a fantastic combination of classical guitar and violin. The soft tones, melodies, and harmonies bring a calm to the end of my working day. It is so peaceful in my office, alone.
However, I am not alone. The Spirit of Christ is with me. He dwells within. Christ is truly my Prince of Peace. Any discouragement, any pain, any attack by the evil one, I know I can go to Jesus Christ. He truly is Wonderful, the Counselor. He is the Mighty God! Thank you Everlasting Father! Thank you for bringing peace into my life, Oh Prince of Peace!
During this Christmas season, Dear Lord. Help us not to forget, that you are with us. Help us not to forget the reason for the season! You were born to us, you died, and rose again! What a gift! Thank you for the gift of salvation! Thank you Lord and Savior! We praise and adore you!
Blessings as we draw closer to the celebration of Christ's birth.