Over the many years, I have watched many of our friends and family sending their kids off to college. In Wyoming, the reality is.....when you send your kids off to college....you send them OFF to college. Even a community college can be several miles away!
Well...I guess it is our turn. Sandra and I are preparing to send our oldest son off to college in the fall, and it's not an easy ordeal. The writing for scholarships is crazy...The waiting for acceptance letters can be stressful....all of the roadtrips to visit different colleges. Whew! And....is their enough money to cover ALL of the expenses???
All of the stress has one good thing about it....it drives us as parents to our knees to pray and cling to the Lord. I have to remember that it is now Caleb's turn to be really tested in his faith. I pray that he will remember what we have taught him and what he has learned in his Christian walk. The verse, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6, keeps running through my head. The main thing that we are praying about is that Caleb will stick to his faith no matter what.
Let's all join together in prayer for our students that are getting ready to head off to college. Lord, please remind our students that they are to be in the world but not of the world. Strengthen them even in these early preparations before high school graduation to prepare them for their future. We pray that You will provide all their financial needs on and off campus. We pray that You will keep them safe. Most of all, Lord, we pray that you will bless them by the Holy Spirit to rely totally on you in everything that they do. In Jesus' Name- Amen.