I know that it's not quite summer according to the calendar, which actually starts June, 21, 2011. It is beginning to look and feel like summer here in Worland, Wyoming. It never ceases to amaze me how weather changes so rapidly here. Over Memorial Day weekend, it was raining like crazy and even started to snow. Today, the temperature is in the 90's. Amazing!
School is out, and it's good to see some changes around the community of Worland. I'm seeing kids from First Baptist Church working summer jobs around town. Projects and contruction are being done to our church. Baseball and softball lights have been turned on allowing the games to be played in the evenings. Lot's of people are out and about walking and biking the trails. I love the changes in the seasons.
Here's what the Garza's are doing this summer (Lord willing). Sandra is helping the summer school program here in Worland in the office, classroom, and giving the swimming lessons to the kids. Caleb is working for the Washakie County School District #1 with grounds and maintenance. He is also wrapping up Shrine Bowl week for football and taking a college summer class. Jacob is working for his uncle Marc at the gym this summer, taking driver's ed. classes, and umpiring baseball games. Josh is playing baseball and being a kid. Me? I'm teaching summer school and leading worship at First Baptist. Busy summer.
Yes, I see that it may be a busy summer, but we hope to get some breaks from time to time. I hope to get some fishing in and of course, some camping done. Maybe I can catch up on some summer projects too?
Anyway, from the Garza's to you. We pray that you will have a safe and wonderful summer, enjoy family and friends. Don't forget to worship with us! We will see you this summer at Worland First Baptist Church!
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