Wow! What a Saturday we had! I had a great time taking the FBC Student Ministry kids up to Cody for a Yellowstone Quake hockey game! I drove 6 kids up in our Explorer.
We all met at the Cody Burger King first to chuck down some cheeseburgers, fries, pop, etc. Then we drove a few blocks to the event center. Of course we had to wait for the tickets because we were early, but the kids enjoyed goofing around in the mean time.
When we finally got inside. We got some great rink side seats. Yes..it was cold at first, but once all of the crowds got there, it quickly got warmer in the building.
The action was great, seeing the players knock each other into the plexi-glass in front of us, and the crowd screaming and yelling! Things even got rough on the ice when some players let their anger get the best of them. The Yellowstone Quakes were winning all through the periods until the last :38 seconds on the clock, when The Billings Bulls scored and sent the game into overtime. Then the world came crashing down for the Quakes.....They lost in sudden death with another 30 some seconds on the clock.
Oh well. We all had a great time anyway. It was wonderful getting rowdy with the youth from our church. Can't wait to go to Acquire the Fire now!