This is late coming out, but Happy New Year to all. I pray that all will have a blessed and safe 2009! Are you like me? I'm wondering where this last year went. Is it really 2009? Where has the decade gone? I guess I'm just getting older and the time is flying by!
* It's hard to believe that we have been in Worland, Wyoming since 2002 already!
* Caleb was in 4th grade in 2002, now a sophomore. Jacob was in kindergarten, now in middle school as a 7th grader. Joshua was at Worland Preschool and is now in the middle of 3rd grade! Boy..the time sure flies by!
* I moved here in my thirties....now I'm in my 40s?
* Sandra is putting up with me after all these years? She's still my sweetheart!
* It is still a pleasure to serve the Lord and being a part of our 1st Baptist family...or as Pastor Shaun calls it....First "B"!
* Continued service at First "B" with Shaun, Jodi, Becci, Jess, and now my wife, Sandra.
* Lambing and Kidding season
* The Egg Drop Event
* Picnic at the Park
* Branding Season
* Coach Pitch, Little League, and Babe Ruth Baseball!
* The Boys' School Ministry
* Fishing whenever possible with the boys.
* The county fair, seeing the kids showing their animals and doing well!
* Our anniversary...married since 1990!
* Football!!!! My kids playing high school football, middle school football, and community flag football!! THE NFL and Fantasy Football!!!!!!!!!!
* Taking the student ministry kids to the Quakes hockey game!
* Taking the student ministry kids to Acquire the Fire! Skillet rocked the house!!!
* Having Thanksgiving at our house this year and watching football!
* Seeing the candles raised up high in celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ at the Christmas Eve Worship service!
* Staying up late New Year's Eve bringing in the New Year with the boys and family. Having a great dinner and snacks..with soda pop!
God bless you! I hope you have many wonderful highlights in your new year, 2009. God bless
you! To my out-of-state family, we hope to see you soon.
Jeff Garza and family
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