"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
I noticed this verse in my daily verse online. It immediately made me think of the worship song that we sang in our worship service yesterday, "Mighty to Save". This is so true. Our Lord is Mighty to save, and as the song that we sing says....SHINE your light! It is directly referring to this verse that we are to shine our light before men. Let them see Him in us, and that we would also glorify our Father in heaven.
Let's also remember to remind our children that we are to be good witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ, shining our light. I am also reminded of the song that I was taught many years ago in Sunday School called "This Little Light of Mine":
Verse 1) "This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine..."
Verse 2) "Hide it under a bush..oh NO!...I'm gonna let it shine..."
Verse 3) "Don't let Satan blow it out!...I'm gonna let it shine..."
God bless you, and let your light shine!
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