Wow! What a month of September and into October! What am I talking about? Who would have thought that after worship team practice, on a Thursday night in early September, I would have to go to the emergency room to get my appendix taken out? Not a very pleasant experience.
I knew that I felt really tired that day. So much so that I wasn't sure if I had the energy to conduct worship team practice. I went anyway and set up everything for the rehearsal. After prayer time with the team, I made my way home, had a late dinner...relaxed with my family for a little while and then went to bed.
At about 10:00 pm I started to have pain in the lower right abdominal area. I thought... maybe I just ate my enchilada dinner too late? At 1:00 am in the morning when I was trying to alleviate the pain by taking a hot bath...I had a feeling it wasn't the enchiladas. At about 2:00 am I found myself trying to crawl back to bed in pain. After going through the medical books with my wife...I finally had to tell her, "Take me into the hospital!"
The Worland Hospital's staff was incredible and very helpful, and by 8:00 am, Friday, I was having surgery. It was a very long process in the recovery afterward. I'm thankful to Dr. Weaver that he caught the appendix right before it burst. He told me that I was one sick boy.
So...what did God teach me this time? To be thankful to Him. To be thankful for a wonderful caring wife. To be thankful that we have loving and caring people in our church that are willing to step up when you are in need. To slow down....in my time of need.
Thanks goes out to the following: My God for being my strength and Healer. My wife and family for helping with everything until I recovered.....Roger Pomeroy for taking care of worship along with the rest of the worship team in my absence....The youth in worship ministries on Wednesdays covering for me....My boss, Steve Wake, for helping me to get coverage during my absence at the Wyoming Boys' School....all the prayers, visitations, and cards from all of the people, especially from First Baptist Church.
God bless you for all of your help, patience, and prayers. We serve a Mighty God, and I am so glad to be back.
Jeff, thank you for all you do for our church. I couldn't say it all in front of the church because I would tear up. You give so much of your time so selflessly to God. Thank you for what you have done with the praise team. It is what brings people, including us, to this church. I hope you and Sandra will have a wonderful date at Trapper Creek, and completely enjoy each other'c company, not worrying about the weight that has been on your shoulders. Have a great time!!! and again, THANK YOU for all you do!!!!!!
Wow! What a wonderful thing to say. I must admit, ministry is not always easy, but it sure is rewarding serving the Lord.....especially the reward in heaven. Thank you so much for the treats for Sandra and me. We really appreciate you and the whole congregation. Leading the praise team is my pleasure, and I hope that the Lord will allow us to continue as long as we can, according to His plan. Thanks for your wonderful comment, we look forward to continuing the ministry right along with you.
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