Monday, March 30, 2009
Wonderful Sunday Morning!

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunday Worship Celebration!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thoughts for today!

* What a mighty God we serve! I am so thankful for His strength from day to day!
* I thank God that I am finally pulling out of the stomach flu and getting my strength back.
* I can't believe how weak I felt Sunday morning being propped up with the stool.
* Thank you for all of your prayers. I have felt them as I am recovering!
* It's so good to be back to work, working with the boys at the Wyoming Boys' School.
* I've gotta get ready for the youth worship for Wednesday and this Sunday morning. Looking forward to working with our young people. We really want to celebrate our Lord with you!
* My wife, Sandra, bless her heart, is such a hard worker. I am so proud of what she is doing in our church nursery, working with Worland's youth swimming program at school, leading middle school girls youth, keeping up with our little farm chores, raising kids,......and the toughest thing of all...putting up with me!
* I'm looking forward to following my boys' running, hurtling, and throwing in this year's track season! Go Warriors! Go Braves!
* Baseball season is just around the corner! Little League.....Babe Ruth.....and Lord, please! Please let there be enough kids to play Legion Baseball this year. Lord...please don't let Legion Baseball die in Worland. Is this okay to add to my prayers?
* Lord...will this be the year for the Chicago Cubs???????
* Our puppy, Jella "Bella" Bean, is so much fun! What a character running all over the place with those short little Corgi legs and no tail!
* I've got to say.....thanks again to the folks who are a part of our Worship Team at First Baptist! You guys are awesome! Thanks for all of your help and understanding with me being sick and all last week. You pulled through greatly for last Sunday worship and worship at the boys' school. God bless you guys!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Loss of a dear pet....

Friday, March 13, 2009
Be Acceptable in The Lord's Sight!

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer."
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Lord is Salvation, Strength, and Song!