After reading my devotions this morning, which dealt with the "Beatitudes" from the Sermon on the Mount, I learned and realized that mourning is not talked about much or even shown as much in our culture as it was in Jesus' time on earth.
Often times, in our culture, people think you need to be happy all of the time which is not always the case. Instead of avoiding pain or trying to cover it up, we need to cling to the Lord Jesus in our times of trials, which includes mourning loved ones. Death is a reality of life. Death is all around us...but we as Christians know that one day in heaven, there will be no tears, there will be no sorrow, there will be no sting of death. That is our hope in Christ. Those who may be facing these realities that we all face, please remember that Jesus is waiting to comfort us and strengthen us.
Just recently a friend of mine lost a little granddaughter, and she is handling her situation as well as she can, but as a follower of Christ. She is mourning her loss with her family. The one thing that I truly see in her is the fact that she is leaning on the everlasting arms of Christ to comfort and strengthen her. Even in mourning, what a powerful witness for Christ that can be. Please keep this lady and her family in prayer.
God bless you.
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