As I sit here writing while my students at the boys' school are reading....the thought came to mind that I need to continually pray for these young men. They come from all over the state with all kinds of backgrounds and "baggage". I am thankful that they are allowed to read their Bibles in their rooms at night, but I often wonder if they are actually understanding the Word of God.
We have the opportunity to present the Gospel to these boys again this Sunday with our team from First Baptist. Please pray that the worship would go unhindered, that the message would be clear, and that the boys would be receptive to the Gospel truth. Pray that the Holy Spirit would really work on the hearts of these young men. I pray that they would accept Jesus as their Savior and that their lives would be changed.
Pray that we will be good witnesses as we enter into the Wyoming Boys' School this next Sunday. Acts 5:32 "And we are His witnesses to these things, and [so] also [is] the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him."
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