Wow! What a busy week this has been!
* This last Sunday we worshipped in church and then had the opportunity once again to head out to the Wyoming Boys' School to minister to the boys. The worship was well received and the Name of Jesus Christ was lifted up in a big way!
* Monday started with the kick off of the Washakie County Fair. Good food! Visiting friends!....of course Tuesday was the day that all our goats and sheep had to get checked in and weighed in. Kudos to Sandra, our boys, and Uncle Chisum for getting the animals there while I had to work.
* Monday night Caleb Garza, Kaleb Craft, Jarod Craft, Nic Craft, and Nick McMarten played a two hour concert at the Washakie County Fairgrounds. They really rocked the place! I think it could have been even louder!
* Caleb, Jacob, and Joshua (our boys) showed their breeding lambs, market lambs, and dairy goats in the goat and lamb show on Wednesday! I can't believe how hot the day was.....the animals were panting in the heat....I think the owners were too! Whew! The boys did very well in the competition. They were able to place several times including some championships and championship reserves.
* Thursday night the whole worship team got together to prepare for the upcoming "Biker Sunday" this coming weekend. We learned a new song called "My Savior Lives" that really rocks for the Lord. We are looking forward to playing it in church this Sunday.
* Can you believe we are in August now? Wow! Time is flying!
* It has been so busy I had to start this post on Thursday and finish it today...(Friday). We finally made it to Friday. The sheep sale is on Saturday! I can't wait for it to be over. Then we start all over with the new week.
Thank you Lord that you helped us to survive this week!!! God bless you guys!