As some of you may know, I had the stomach flu bug heading into the weekend. It was not fun. I missed work last Friday. I missed a family birthday party and dinner on Saturday. I was very weak in the knees leading worship on Sunday morning and left after church to go home and rest, missing the church's Super Bowl Party. In short, I missed all of the things, except worship, that I was looking forward to over the weekend. Why Lord? Why?
Well, today it dawned on me.. some blessings that the Lord taught me from it all. It's just amazing how God does that! Here are a few:
1) I have a loving God that knows that I need rest to be able to continue in ministry, serving Him, providing for my family, and teaching the boys at the Wyoming Boys' School.
2) I have a beautiful wonderful wife that cares for me "in sickness and in health".
3) God has blessed me with my sons that were able to continue the farm chores, including hauling and stacking alfalfa hay bails when I was down.
4) I have a wonderful church that I attend with people that support and pray for me.
5) I have a great pastor, Pastor Shaun, who encourages me spiritually and prays for me not just when I'm sick.
6) I have a great boss at my day job, Steve Wake, that makes sure that I can get coverage when I'm not feeling well on the bad days...but also supports me when I need a day off for the good days. I am so thankful that the bad days have been few and far between.
S0...there you have it. Leave it to the Lord to show the good, even when things look bad.
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