I personally want to thank Rod and Cassie Woodbury for being the guest worship team leaders for last Sunday morning. I heard that they did a terrific job! Of course...I can't wait to lead again with the rest of the worship team this Easter Sunday, but it is just so nice to know that the Lord is bringing in new talented people that are humble and willing to serve in the areas of need. It was nice to receive a break.
If you are wondering where I was....I was downstairs helping my wife in the nursery. The little ones were so cute singing hosanna with palm branches and making cross magnets with the leaders. I have not helped in the nursery with my wife in years! We had a good time. I have to say...I am proud of my wife, Sandra, for all of the hard work that she does for our kids. She is making sure that even the wee little ones hear about Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. I actually got to lead worship singing "The B-I-B-L-E", "Ho. Ho. Ho. Hosanna", "Jesus Loves the Little Children", "Jesus Loves Me", and others. Thanks Anita Carver for helping with the singing of some of the songs I hadn't heard since I was a kid.
Speaking of the Carvers....Dale and Anita Carver are great with the kids! You should have seen them working and playing with the kids! Dale is also great with the puppets!
Anyway....God bless you, and I will see you in worship this Easter Sunday. We will have three services as followed: Traditional, Blended, and Contemporary....all in the Name of the Lord!
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